Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Lori L. Bell Pedaling for Peace

 Lori L. Bell Pedaling for Peace

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If Vietnam didnt satisfy Americans, our presidents dove into Desert Storm, then, Afghanistan and Iraq. Hundreds of 1000s of innocents suffered death due to Bushs Shock and Awe bombing campaign. Thirteen years later, American troops continue suffering death by way of firefights, accelerating suicides and alcohol abuse. War scrambles mens minds. Bell asked former US Army Captain Paul K. Chappell, turned Peace Leader: "If human beings are naturally violent, then why doesn't going to war make them more mentally healthy rather than less?" Bell's mission is impressed by Chappell and his books including the most clean, The Art of Waging Peace:

Lori L. Bell Pedaling for Peace

Lori Bell pedals a bicycle around the United States with a view to create a much-needed discussion on Americas continual participation in wars: she pedals for peace.

"From the beginning, in June 2011, when I voluntarily walked away from my 'cushy government job' at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, I have taken this new Life-Course one moment at a time! It has been and is a couple of of the most challenging, meaningful, and satisfying 'work' I have ever done, nonetheless only a small part of it has gone 'according to plan'! For instance, I thought I would make it all the way across the country with my first attempt in 2012, nonetheless in its place have had to break my efforts into stages, of which my current efforts make up 'Stage III'. For each stage I have gone as long as I could afford to go, financially, physically, mechanically, and practically. Even now, the end of Stage III is yet to be determined, so I'm unwilling to predict anything much beyond that!

"Who do you hope to impact?"

I am Pedaling for Peace in support of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and the work of former Army Captain and Peace Leadership Director for the NAPF, Paul K. Chappell, Bell spoke of. To me, Pedaling for Peace is a wonderful metaphor for what is necessary to bring significant change to the world inside the face of very powerful forces. For instance, human societies the world over have been dominated by the Military Industrial Complex and the attitude that conflicts can be resolved by way of waging war. As I trip across the country, I face the powerful forces of sun, wind, and rain as well as difficult terrain - hills and rough roads. But in equally circumstances, the key is perseverance - to just Keep On Keepin' On, to 'go the extra mile.' Over time every small effort adds up - days grow to be weeks and months, miles grow to be states and continents. In the same way, each of us can play a task in bringing more peace to the world. By riding my bicycle across the country, and sharing what I have to share, I feel I am doing what I CAN Do to make a difference, and I hope to encourage others to do what they'll do as well to make the world a better, safer, more peaceful place for All Beings.

The people who come inside my 'sphere of affect', pals, family, Facebook contacts, my hosts and people I meet on the road, spoke of Bell. At the same time, I could be influencing the President of the United States as he is having to assume the work of the NAPF and especially the clean lawsuits filed by the Marshall Islands to carry the nuclear armed states accountable for their commitment to disarmament under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Every person I come into contact with, directly or indirectly, can support that effort by signing the petition in support of the Marshall Islands litigation at As I continue to show with my Pedaling for Peace - every mile adds up, and with regards to the legal action by the Marshall Islands, every signature of support adds up as well.

Someone killed him for writing that song.

I am getting the probability to challenge myself in a unique way and I find that I really enjoy this level of challenge, spoke of Bell. I have had the pleasure of assembly and interacting with many wonderful people as well as seeing the physical beauty of this country in a very up close and personal way. I'm staying healthy and glad and feel that I am on purpose with my life-work. What more could anyone ask for?

Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe one hundred,000 miles, on six continents and nine times across the United States inside the past 35 years. He has written hundreds of articles (consistently) for 17 national and two international magazines. He has had hundreds of guest editorials published in top national newspapers including the Denver Post, Albany Herald, Las Vegas Tribune and Daily Camera. He wrote a column, "CRYSTAL DESERT CONTINENT," for a important newspaper in Colorado while he lived in Antarctica.

"What do you get out of this experience?"


By Frosty Wooldridge

Bell, 49, single, and having taken a non-traditional path in her life and work careerdecided America needs a discussion approximately how to operate inside the world by forming what might be called a complete new concept: transform toward peace inside the world. Instead of waging war, she provides discussions and alternatives to violence among nations by way of "Waging Peace".

In the twenty-first century, humanity has grow to be so interconnected that we are all citizens of the world, whether we appreciate it or not, writes Chappell. During the challenging years ahead, our planet will need squaddies of peace who understand this truth of our brotherhood, because our survival in an interconnected world will not depend upon our ability to wage war. The fate of humanity will depend up on our willingness to wage peace.

I feel that every contact I make, spoke of Bell, every business card I hand to a curious stranger, every contribution I receive, and every mile I pedal is a little achievement that will ultimately contribute to the achievement of my personal goal as a cyclist of developing my own geographically continuous route across the country under my own power and the larger goal of the NAPF to take away nuclear weapons and in so doing to bring more security and peace to the world. Of course, nothing is specific, for me, or for the world, nonetheless given the hundreds of interactions I have now had with ordinary human beings across the U.S. I continue to be hopeful and grateful for this unique opportunity. I am attending to see the world by way of my own eyes and never by way of the skewed and fearful perspectives so prevalent inside the mainstream media. As my story unfolds, my pals and followers get to share in that experience which I hope will encourage them to move beyond their very own fearful perspectives as well.

Author's Bio: 

Youve taken on quite a quest, I spoke of drawing even with her.

Citizens around the globe understand the futility of war. Lori Bell stands with the female greats of history who dove into their passions, led others to speak their very own truths and impressed countless people along the way. Each of us, engaging our own actions, must transform the human race beyond the paradigm of war and, as Bell explains, learn in its place to "Wage Peace".

"How long do you expect to pedal for peace?"

As I pedaled up behind Ms. Bell north of Solana Beach, California, I couldnt support seeing she carried a heavily loaded touring bicycle. No small feat for a guy, nonetheless for a fifty five lady carrying over one hundred pounds of gear provides challenges inside the gigantic mountains like few other athletic endeavors. Her sign spoke of it all: "The Blue Turtle - Pedaling for Peace." Access her on Facebook: Lori L. Bell. Also, theblueturtleblog dot blogspot dot com.


"What successes have you enjoyed for that reason far and what other successes do you expect and why?" I asked.

John Lennon sang Imagine there's no countries;It is never difficult to do, Nothing to kill or die for; And no religion too; Imagine all the people, Living life in peace.

If you'd love to make a donation to support Bell's work, contact her by e-mailing:

Over 50 years ago, the United States jumped into Korea without provocation of any kind. Few spoke up before 33,000 Americans died and untold numbers of Koreans and Chinese. During Vietnam, peace demonstrators chanted, Give peace a raffle. Over fifty three,000 young American boys and 2.1 million Vietnamese died with hundreds of 1000s wounded. As General MacArthur explained, "The Soldier above all others prays for peace for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war."

His books include, Handbook for Touring Bicyclists; Strike Three! Take Your Base; Bicycling Around the World; Motorcycle Adventure to Alaska: Into the WindA Teen Novel; An Extreme Encounter: Antarctica; Bicycling the Continental Divide: Slice of Heaven, Taste of Hell; Immigrations Unarmed Invasion: Deadly Consequences; America on the Brink: The Next Added one hundred Million Americans; Losing Your Best Friend: Vacancies of the Heart. How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World; How to Deal with twenty first Century American Women: Co-making a successful relationship. Reach him:

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