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A pouch of apple juice
Many of the fun flavors are tropical-themed. There were also Big Pouch that came in a larger, 11.25 ounce pouch, but discontinued in February 2006. Island Refreshers come in a 16.5 ounce "Bottle Can," this can is in bottle shape with a screw on cap but is made of aluminum. The Roarin' Water is sold in the standard 6.75 ounce pouch but is flavored water. drinks are often supplied with pre-packaged cold lunches, such as Lunchables, but are also sold in cans in vending machines. The drink has recently become available in a "family size" that's fundamentally a 64 oz. version of the beverage but is currently only available in 3 of the standard pouch flavors. The product is available in a variety of flavors and pouch sizes. Around 2003, Kraft introduced Sport, a Gatorade-like sports drink, with at first only two flavors, and came in a regular Capri-Sun pouch. Today, it has around sixteen flavors.
Standard Pouch
Strawberry Kiwi
Splash Cooler
Mountain Cooler
Coastal Cooler
Pacific Cooler
Tropical Punch
Fruit kick
Red Berry
Pia Mango
Atlantic Cooler
Wild Cherry
Banana Blast
Tropical Blast
Roarin' Waters (Flavored Water)
Wild Cherry
Tropical Fruit
Island Refreshers
Lemon Tea
Orangey Orange
Tropical Fruit
Tropical Morning
Orange Wake Up
Berry Tangerine Morning
The standard box is filled with 10 pouches, each pouch is 6.75 fluid ounces (200 ml) in the United States, UK, and Germany. However, due to downsizing, Capri-Sun pouches are now 6.00 fluid ounces in the USA. The pouch is trapezoidal in profile when filled and rectangular when flat with a flared bottom that makes the pouch able to stand upright when placed on a horizontal surface. A straw is equipped with each pouch.
The Disrespectoids are children who appear in some of 's "Respect the Pouch" campaigns. They do somehow bizzare things to the 's signature juice pouch. As a result, they transform into physical representations of the pouch's disrespect. They are:
Bobblehead Fred Wilson, a troublemaker that hit a pouch with a baseball bat to see where it would land. The result being his head turning in to a giant bobblehead.
Leaky Louie PJ Brown, a show-off that tried to stick a straw into the bottom of a pouch to show his kid sister a new method to drink from one. The result being him having holes sprouting all over his body.
Anna "Whoopee" Cushner, a functional jokester that used a pouch as a whoopee cushion for a prank on a friend. The result being her hands and feet turning into whoopee cushions. Including hot pink skin.
Chuck "The Clucker" Featherstone The Third, a scaredy cat who tried to show his bravery by throwing a pouch in some white meat feed. The result being him turning into a human-like white meat.
Boing Boing Betty Aimwell, a competitive pogo sticky label that jumped on a pouch with her pogo stick. The result being her turning into a springed metal statue of her.
Handlebar Harry Wheeler, a daredevil that landed on a pouch with his bike after a failed attempt to do a stunt. The result being him turning into a human-like bicycle.
Balloona Luna, an easy con artist target that traded her pouch to a boy for two water balloons. The result being her turning into a life-sized makeshift balloon animal of her. Note:this disrespectoid will be released in March 2010.
The Disrespectoids have their own website where users can stoop to their stage and notice how they live each and every day. They also have their own addictive game, respectively: Crash Course(Fred), Odd Jobbin'(Louie), Stink The Landing(Whoopee), Hard Boiled(Chuck), Throwdeo(Betty), and Holy Spokes!(Harry).
Users could also earn high scores on the games so they can win specific downloads.
The site also has a high score list, hints about the site, and a page where users can send chain-like e-mails to their friends, warning them about the dangers of disrespecting the pouch.
The kids have assorted release dates. Fred was released February 2009. Both Louie and Whoopee were release March 2009 during Nickelodeon's 2009 Kid's Choice Awards. Chuck was released May 2009. Betty was released June 2009. However, Harry is unlocked by the user by completing specific tasks called "Achievements" on some of the kids' games. Luna's commercial was released January 2010, but is going to be released on the website in March 2010. Chuck and Harry are the very best ones without a commercial. But Chuck made a brief cameo at the end of Louie's ninth or tenth commercial airing, informing that Chuck has in the end been released.
Coming March 2010 are new disrespectoids and a "Dis-Adventure Game".
External links
Respect the Pouch
Capri-Sun at Kraft Foods
Capri-Sun UK
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Categories: Companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange
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