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Artist Ye Jianqing is adept at expressing classic Chinese portray subject worry and spirit with Western oil portray platforms. Perhaps it is through walk in the park he had studied Chinese portray in his early years, so his oil portray works has unimaginable personal art trend, a identical time have been all be marked with classic Chinese culture impressions.
Career of Main Art Shows:
In 1999-2001, studied at the publish-graduate Class in the Wall Painting Department at Central Academy of Fine Arts
In 1998, oil portray "Immigrant Trend" won the first prize at Central Academy of Fine Arts Graduated Works Show, the first prize of Gangsong Family Art Fund.
In 2003, acted as a instructor at the Wall Painting Department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
In 1996, oil portray "Travelling" won the 2d price at Central Academy of Fine Arts Art Show
In 2004, studied at Doctor Class of Sculpting Oil Painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts
Artist Ye Jianqing Art Review:
Oil portray works of Ye Jianqing have won awards for as soon as again and as soon as again, and have been be exhibited on lovely about a art indicates at residence and in an additional usa, between them entails the "Ye Jianqing Artworks Exhibition" held by Singapore iPreciation Gallery in 2004 and 2005, and "China's Emerging - Ye Jianqing Works Exhibition" held in Hong Kong in 2007, and in a identical yr, his oil portray works have been participated in the Beijing International Art Biennale Show and have been been smartly received, Ye Jianqing is that is time and again called one of " the optimum promising younger Chinese refreshing artists".
In 2004, "Ye Jianqing Painting Show" held in Singapore.
In 1999, "Ye Jianqing Painting Show" held by Central Academy of Fine Arts
In 2003-2004, studied at High-Grade Research Class of Oil Painting at he Wall Painting Department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts
In 1996, cartoon portray "Women Body with Bicycle Background" participated in Central Academy of Fine Arts Sketch Works Show held in Spanish.
In 2000-2001, participated in "Journey in the Chinese Western Areas" Art Research
In 1997, oil portray "No Title" won the 2d prize at Central Academy of Fine Arts Art Show
Mr. Ye Jianqing, became born in 1972 in Zhejiang province, China, who became studied studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts from 1994 and has received a Ph.D., now Ye Jianqing is act as a instructor at the Wall Painting Department in the academy.
In 2002, oil portray "Satellite Launching Center" and wall portray "Western Areas, The West", "Silk Road Adversaria" participated in "Walking into the Big Northwest" Art Show held by Chinese Art Gallery.
In 2005, oil portray paintings " - Pedigree Study" participated in Beijing International Fine Arts Biennial Show.
In 2001, two oil portray works participated in "Culture Come from China" Art Show held in Sydney, Australia.