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Addiction and RecoveryDo You Really Have to Hit Bottom to Recover
Denial keeps the disease energetic. The reality of the alcoholic's circumstances, the destructiveness of the drinking, the level of the negative consequences are distorted in this type of way that the drinking can comfortably proceed. It is difficult for the alcoholic to connect negative life actions with their drinking. Problems in one's life are chalked up to the rest BUT the drinking.
Conceptually, hitting bottom is the place in which the alcoholic begins to see the extent of the destructiveness of the habit on his/her life and becomes motivated to cease drinking. For many alcoholics, hitting bottom is that emotional space in which you are competent to confess that the challenge is in truth the drinking and that aid is needed to cease the drinking. Hitting bottom additionally comes to humility and willingness to accept aid.
For some individuals hitting bottom is embarrassing themselves in public-once. For the other, it may be spending so much money on their drug of choice that they will't pay the bills. For some individuals getting a divorce is their bottom. For others, a DUI is the bottom. For others still it will be taking walks over a grandchild's bicycle with the automobile. It could be the culminating experience that gets your attention.
The notion that you have to lose each little thing in your life that matters to you, in order to get and stay sober, is inaccurate and damaging. In actuality, the more infrastructure that you still have left in your life, the more likely that you are to be a hit together with your sobriety efforts. If you still have your family, your job, an income, a home and individuals who love you and are still conversing to you, you still have your infrastructure.
If you have lost the infrastructure of your life, there are more boundaries between you and your ultimate recovery. It's like trying to work your way up to ground level. It is hard enough to get clean and sober without having to figure out in which you're going to sleep, discover work, and grieve the losses of your relationships. Imagine trying to maintain the stress of having lost each little thing at the same time trying to get and stay clean and sober. It would be more difficult. Fortunately hitting bottom can be a "moment of clarity" at the same time you realize the extent of the problems by way of the drinking, and become keen to get the aid you hope to read about how to get and stay sober.