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10. Nightmares, night terrors, sleep paralysis, or unusual nighttime sensations. One of the most evident symptoms of being cursed or hexed is trouble napping. This can range from sleep paralysis and nightmares to simply having an unusually restless sleep. While everyone has the occasional nightmare, consistent experiences of nightmares is a powerful indication a curse has been placed on someone.
6. Relationship trouble. Curses directed at harming relationships stands out as the most abundant curses in existence. Curses of this nature can turn happy and healthy marriages into trainwreck failure marriages, so beware. Its very common for things to be going perfectly and then without notice, without warning, to take a turn for the worst.
9. Loss of energy. Curses and hexes can turn individuals described as vibrant and profitable to dull and boring. Fatigue and sudden loss of energy is a powerful symptom of most curses. This is especially true for curses and hexes placed to drain individuals of their energy. Psychic vampires are notable for working in this fashion.
10 Sure Signs of Being Cursed
2. Sudden and serious illness. As opposed to a mild reduction in health, sudden and serious illnesses are sturdy symptoms of harmful magics at work. These normally manifest themselves as specific, serious illnesses that afflict the victim acutely. As the nature of these curses are especially dangerous, they need to be dealt with as quickly as possible.
5. Deterioration of health. While sickness has many natural causes and may always be appraised by qualified medical professionals, it's vital to notice that magical curses and hexes do, in truth, cause sickness. Healthy individuals can be made sick routinely with some curses, at the same time as different curses manifest themselves as gradual declines in health.
However, a curse is no reason to lose hope. At the fist sign of evidence a curse has been placed immediate action need to be taken to take away the curse. Additionally, there are ways to hinder a curse. Caution need to be taken, on the different hand, when attempting to fight a curse, as inexperienced casters may really compound it and make it worse. You need to seek out a professional witch to take away or protect you from curses.
7. Financial or property loss. Sudden and unexpected losses of property or financial loss are fantastic indicators of a curse. Many curses are intended to impact a selected aspect of a persons life, such as finances, health, or relationships. Anything from being laid off at work to becoming the victim of (supposedly) random vandalism can be the outcomes of a financial curse. If youve experienced sudden financial losses, its worth asking if youve been cursed.
All of the symptoms listed above are indications a curse has been placed on any individual. Individually they are not proof per se, but collectively they need to be taken as sturdy evidence. What this implies is that if any individual experiences one or more of the symptoms above, they need to seriously consider that a curse stands out as the cause of it. The more symptoms there are, the more advantageous the likelihood a curse has been placed.
4. Legal trouble. Lawsuits and criminal charges may often stem from curses. Curses can manifest themselves in such a fashion that harmless folk are accused of crimes or torts, or may really incline folk to engage in criminal behavior that may result in their misfortunes. Whatever the case, if someone without notice experiences legal trouble it can be a symptom of being cursed.
3. Direct perceptions of being cursed. Some curses are more obvious, causing individuals to be directly suffering from hallucinations or delusions. Additionally, as some employ spiritual beings the victim may find themselves directly harassed by such entities. As the saying goes, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its probably a duck. If a person has sturdy experiences of being cursed, there's a decent chance they are.
1. Death. Yes, folk can really die from curses. Death by harmful magic can manifest itself in a myriad of ways, from suicide to sickness to car accident. Unfortunately, after this symptom is source it is already too late to help the victim. The key is to block and remove curses before this occurs, not wait until after. Additionally, powerful curses may even harm those around the intended victim, so it's vital to handle them in any situation.
8. Misfortune of loved ones. If loved ones or folk close to you without notice soar experiencing an unusual amount of misfortune, this is a clear symptom a curse has been placed. While we expect curses to impact the person they are placed upon, it doesnt always work like that. This is because some curses are directed at damaging a persons entire life, together with harming those around the victim. These types of curses are becoming increasingly common, and unfortunately can be devastating.